Saturday, October 27, 2007

From Dad, grampa, great grampa ( Walter )

My dearest Christy:

As I wrote you earlier, this type of salutation I reserve for very special persons, of which you qualify.

When you were first diagnosedwith this disease, cancer, I said and thought, I am not prepared to lose my dear Christy. My prayer was that the Lord would completely eradicate the cancer from your body, of which He could, if it is His will. As time went on, it became evident that this was not going to happen. Now when I visit you and see the effects this disease is having on you, it grieves me deeply. However when I realise, and see your cheerful acceptance of what is taking place, I marvel, and it is a profound lesson to me, as to how a child of God can suffer in so sweetly and accepting all from a loving and merciful God. We are also greatly encouraged by the Lord's promise of coming for His own blood bought people, and Christy, consider the changes that will take place, 1 Corinthians 15: 51 - 58, 1 Thessalonians. 4: 13 - 18, and also Philippians 3: 20 - 21. I know you are very conversant with these wonderful passages, but just imagine the reality of "Fashioned like unto His glorious body" The Lord does take his people individually, but how wonderful when He will come and take His Bride to those courts above, "Forever with the Lord". Perhaps today. "Even so come, Lord Jesus"

"Dad, Grampa, father-in-law, etc.

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