Monday, October 29, 2007

A tribute

A beautiful flower was taken up to heaven last night. Her body had grown frail and ravaged by disease, but her spirit - her sweet and lovely spirit - escaped the prison that it had been held back by and rose to be with the One who gave it. She is free, unhindered by pain or sickness or suffering or sin or things that distract, and she is altogether at peace and unimaginable joy in the presence of her Lord. We cannot, do not, wish her back. But she has left a very large, un-fillable hole in the hearts of those whom she touched and loved. She will never be replaced. Our hearts are filled with sadness and we will greatly miss this dear woman who smiled at everyone she met. It is hard to imagine not being able to see or talk to her, or to hear her sweet voice and smiling face. She has left us a legacy, however, that will never grow dim. Her legacy is passed on to her husband, children, and grandchildren, and that is her passion and love and enjoyment of her Lord Jesus Christ and what He did in her life. She often told me that she wasn't a sweet person at all naturally, but that it was the Lord's influence in her life...she gave Him the glory for who and what she was. Christy has been an example to me of true fellowship with her God through His Son, and her favorite subject was His love for her. It seems that He loved her so much He wanted to have her with Him. His work in her and through her on earth was done, and He gathered her spirit to be with Himself. Think of the enjoyment and satisfaction they are having together right now! This is such a comfort to me, for she has so often talked of and longed for, almost pined for, the day that this would come to pass. Can we truly wish that she was back on earth to be with us when she is in Divine company?
Christy was one of my very best friends on earth. Yes, and she was my mother-in-law! But she seemed almost more friend than mother-in-law. I loved her dearly and will very much miss her friendship, but even more so her prayers and petitions that she constantly sent up on our behalf. She was a woman of prayer, always praying for each one that she loved and cared for. I remember so many times asking her to pray about a certain thing and most times I saw very positive answers to those prayers. I really believe the reason was because she prayed with true love and earnestness, and believed that the Lord heard and would answer. Christy was one who loved much, and lived her love in word and in deed. She loved her grandchildren as few grandmas love their the point of doting, adoring, and spoiling! She was one of the extremely rare people that I have known that have manifested the love of God in her life in such a way that it was evident to all who knew her (unless they were blind). She had the character of Jesus Christ shining through her. And that is what she wanted. She wanted to give glory to God through her life and be a witness and testimony to all around her. Through the grace of God, she has.

This verse came to mind quite a bit in the last days/weeks before her death and also after. I shared it with her on one of my last visits, and she really enjoyed it.

"Arise, shine; for thy light is come, and the glory of the Lord is risen upon thee." Isaiah 60:1

Finally Christy has heard the voice of her Beloved saying "Arise, my love, my fair one, and come away." Song of Solomon 2:13. And she went gladly!

We will see you soon, Christy! Anytime now we may hear the Lord's great shout and the beckoning voice of the archangel, and the triumphant trumpet from God Himself, and we will be "caught up together in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air: and so shall we ever be with the Lord!" I Thessalonians 4:16-17. Doesn't that just thrill you? I can almost hear the great shout now! Victory is coming, when death will not hold any more threat or sting for us who believe in Jesus. Come, Lord Jesus! We've waited so long...

By Susie, her daughter-in-love

1 comment:

Joanna said...

My Most Precious Sister,
I LOVE YOU SO much! My heart is just aching so much at your loss. Here is the biggest "long distance/internet hug ever sent"............................................................................................................................................................................................................. All those dots are long, hard hugs I'm sending to you and I wish so bad I was there in person to deliver. Soon, we will meet again in person and I can hug you for real! I miss you, I LOVE YOU and I am so praying for you especially now.
Isn't it exciting that Mom and Christy are now together waiting for us to join them??? :) That makes me happy! (of course I am SUPER SAD for your loss!)
TONS of LOVE, Joanna :)